Saturday, November 17, 2012

Questions for Management Positions

Though the manager’s knowledge quotient may differ from profession to profession, there are certain basic principles that every manager should adhere to:

1. Business and management principles: First of all, the manager would be asked question about his business and management principles.

2. Strategic planning method: He would also be questioned about the strategic planning method that he or she would adhere to.

3. Administrative procedures, financial reports and operating systems: The knowledge of administrative procedures and operating systems would be reviewed as well.  The interviewer would also check how adept you are at reading and interpreting accounting and financial reports.

4. Organizational planning tools: The interviewer would further question about the budgets as well as the organizational planning tools that you would use.

5. Information processing applications: Furthermore, the interviewer would also wish to know about the information processing applications and any relevant software applications that the person applying for the post of manager/managerial candidate would be conversant with.  

6. Human resource management principles: Last, but not least, the manager would also be asked about the human resource management principles that he follows.

Questions for management positions

Here is a list of interview questions – typical questions for management positions that would be asked:

1. “What are the methods you have used to evaluate employee’s job performance?”

2. “What is your overall experience in setting budgets?”

3. “Give us some instances in which you brought about some productive change in the company that you worked for. What were the steps that you carried out, and what were the steps that you implemented for others to follow?”

4. “Describe one recent problem that you came across on the job  and how you countered it. How did you contribute to overcoming the obstacle and how did you implement steps for others to overcome the obstacle?”

5. “Give us an example of how you successfully encouraged/motivated the staff with the help of incentives or bonuses”.

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