Saturday, November 10, 2012

Banking Domain Testing Interview Questions

The economic recession is pushing more and more people to consider self-employment. Starting an online business is a very low risk of putting your finger in the pool business, the costs Initial minimal, the overhead is low, and yields can be high. Despite these benefits, however, an online business is like any other and must be investigated thoroughly before you start to determine if there is a need in the market and how viable is the business idea. 

The Internet is full of outrageous claims of money what can be done as an online entrepreneur that can be rolled into the dough for the next week. Remember that most "overnight" success are 1, 2 or more years in the making, and online businesses are no exception to this rule. 

How do you determine if your business idea line sink or swim? Here are 10 steps you can take to test your idea without breaking the bank: 

1. Research. full investigation is always the first step for any business idea. Make a list of keywords that someone might use to find the product / service you are offering, then use tool keyword search to see how many searches have been done on these keywords. The keyword tool will also make suggestions for keywords Related to try. Once you have a list of keywords, searches (use quotation marks around your search term greater results) in Google, Yahoo and MSN to see who else is out there. Assess the popularity of the sites discovered by the control of its Google Page Rank and Alexa ranking. Use the same keywords to see if the articles have been written about in the article's main banks. You'll find your competition in this investigation, and possible partnerships strategic. Use a marker powerful program to help track the results of their research. 

2. Economic benefits of the idea. After completing its investigation, has found sufficient competitors in the market that are making money doing something similar? If so, how make money – is the sale of information products, consulting services, subscribing to its website, advertising, etc? If you do not see much competition, that usually means one of two things: 

a. Not enough demand for the product / idea or 

b. You're ahead of the curve in seeing the potential benefits.
Unfortunately, in most cases, this result means that there is sufficient demand for your idea of the way it has been submitted. 

3. The "why" factor. In your research, you should be able to clarify what you are offering and what group of people who want what you offer. In order to have successful bid shall pass the "so what" factor in light of its competition. For this test, successfully should be able to answer the question following after telling someone what you do, "What? How is that different than x, y and z are offering?" You can answer to these questions better if you review the benefits of what you are offering (the What's in it for me) and not just a list of characteristics, and if you can speak from the heart of his idea. An online business will take time to manage and develop, so they want to settle on something you want. If you do not like what 're doing, they quickly become a prisoner in a prison of his own creation. 

4. industry information. Set up Google Alerts for keywords in your industry and keep track of the information posted on websites, blogs, and newsgroups. Review of the alerts they receive more of the next few weeks will help you expand your vision of the problems / issues with the subject, help you see the "influencers" in the industry, and help to discover other places (blogs, forums, social networks) in your target market hangs in line. 

5. Test the waters. The easiest way to prove their idea is to create a blog. Buy a domain name keyword rich for the blog and the map of your blog to that domain. Then begin to blog about their views on the subject, or reprint articles have been written on the subject. The idea is to begin to establish your online presence and brand online. 

6. Create a list. A Once you have a blog set up, you need to start building your marketing list. The easiest way to do this is to create a free gift on your site (e-book video reports, audio recordings) and a form for visitors entering your name and email address to receive your gift. Your privacy policy should be available to them and describe how you will use your information and what they can expect from you. You also need an e-mail marketing service or shopping cart service to manage the list.

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