1. Why are you here?
2. What can you do for us?
3. What kind of person are you?
4. Can they afford you?
The employers seek to get these questions answered through asking traditional and behavioral questions during an interview.
Traditional Interview Questions and Answers
What are your career goals? Whatever your
career goals, it is important to you show how the particular
position is relevant in reaching your goal.
Just recently I received my associates in
accounting. My immediate goal is to find a position, such as
this, to apply the accounting knowledge I have gained over the
last two years………
Why are you interested in this position? This is a great
opportunity to talk about your skills and what you would bring
to the organization. Make sure you know why you are interested
in the position. Avoid statements such as, “I heard you had an
opening”, “I need a job”, etc.
This position is in alignment with my career path.
With my education and experience I know I could add value
to your organization.
Why are you interested in this company?
Do your research on the company – the company’s web site
is a good resource.
Your company is on the cutting edge when it
comes to serving your customers. I
understand from your web site that you just implemented a new
accounting system, that will allow the accounting department to
work more efficiently.
Describe an experience where you served on a team.
What was your role? What was accomplished?
(Many companies and organizations strive to work as teams, even
if every position is totally different)
Working as a bank teller, I served on the marketing
committee. The committee consisted of representative
from each division. In my role, I provided input from
the teller’s perspective, such as the questions that they received from
customers and potential customers. The objective was
to come up with some attractive marketing material that would promote
the services offered by the bank. As a result of our
efforts, we created 3 attractive brochures and a revised website that
included frequently asked questions and answers.
Describe a situation where your work was criticized.
This question not only allows the interviewer to see how you would
respond if your work is criticized, it allows them to see how you handle
other situations that are challenging are less favorable. Make sure that
you always end with a positive spin.
A. One
of our customers complained to my supervisor that I did not provide him
with adequate information for a particular item that we had in our
store. I explained to my supervisor the information
that I had shared with the customer and told her that I would call the
customer to see what other information he needed. She
shared with me that she took care of the situation, and explained that
he wanted more details about the product. That was a
good learning experience for me. As a result of this
situation, I designed a checklist for the
department with details concerning our products for all the customer
service representatives to use.
Describe a situation where you experienced a conflict.
No matter your job or position you are subject to have conflicts
at some point. The employer is probing to find out
not only how you handle conflict, but your personality style as well.
They are seeking to find out if you would be a good fit for their
A. My
co-worker and I were not in agreement about the intake information that
we received from our customers. She wanted them to
sign their name on the list when they walked into the door.
I felt that they should sign in, however I wanted a more detailed
intake form to track exact needs. After discussing
our differences, and our rationale we looked at the situation from the
customer’s perspective. Since my customers’ needs
were more diverse than that of my co-worker, we decided to have all
customers sign in, and I would provide my customers with a detailed
in-take form.
Questions to ask the Employer
What skills are required to successfully handle this position?
What are your immediate objectives?
What are your expectations for the individual you select?
What has been some of the challenges in this position?
Why is this position open?
6. When will you make a decision?Are you looking for a customer service job? Be ready to talk about your skills and experience during the job interview. Prepare by practicing answers to the interview questions on this list:
- Tell me about your previous work experience in customer service.
- Why would you be a good fit for our company as a customer service rep?
- What do you know about this company's products and services?
- What makes you a great candidate for this customer service rep job in particular?
- What do you enjoy about working in customer service?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses when interacting with customers?
- What have you done to be a better customer service representative?
- What have you done at your present/last company to increase revenues, reduce costs or save time?
- Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a particularly difficult customer issue.
- Talk about a time when you were unable to help a customer. What was the issue and how did you handle the situation?
- What type of customer service systems have you used? What is your level of familiarity with them?
- Do you consider yourself a team player?
- What type of organizational structure have you worked within previously?
- What type of organizational structure suits you best?
- What have you done recently to improve your skills as customer service rep?
- What type of schedule are you looking to work?
- Would you be available to work additional shifts?
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