Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bank hr interview questions

How to Answer Common interview Questions?
"An interview is a great opportunity to reflect on your past accomplishments and future goals, Take the time to review what you have done, where you want to go, be honest and to the point. If you engage in conversation in a compelling, relevant and positive way with your prospective employer, you'll give yourself the best chance to land the job you want."

1.Tell me about yourself?
This question may be challenging because you need to find a good balance between providing enough information about yourself, without rambling. The key is to keep your answers focused on information relevant
to the position.

2.What are your weaknesses?
This is one of the questions job seekers fear the most. The best way to answer is by choosing a professional trait and explain how it can be an advantage if well managed. When you identify a weakness, remind the employer you are actively taking actions to correct it. For example, "I used to have trouble with procrastination, now I have learned to write down a list of things that I need to do, and keep a calendar to keep track of deadlines."

3.What are your long-range career goals? 
The employer wants to know if you can see yourself working for the company on a long-term basis. Emphasize that you want to secure a position that offers opportunities to grow, develop skills and take on challenges and responsibilities. Do not indicate that you hope to start your own business, change careers or are thinking of going back to school full-time.

4.What’s your definition of success?
This is a challenging one for many a job hunter because success can be subjective. You might think that success means landing this job and working your way up in the company, but your employer wants to know why you would be successful with the company. What would you be doing on a day to day basis that would lead to success? You might talk about how you maintain a strong work ethic, work with feedback from your boss and peers, and maintain a high level of integrity at all times.

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